Hairclub Vienna

Salon Opening

Real Estate | Interior | Social Media

Hairclub Vienna

Salon Opening

Real Estate | Interior | Social Media

Our recent project involved capturing the renovation of the Hairclub Vienna's newly modernized hair salon. Through a combination of high-quality interior photos and immersive video, every detail, from the stylish decor to the open layout, was showcased to reflect the salon’s fresh new look. The result is a social-media content package that communicates both style and sophistication, perfectly aligning with the salon's brand and vision.

Our recent project involved capturing the renovation of the Hairclub Vienna's newly modernized hair salon. Through a combination of high-quality interior photos and immersive video, every detail, from the stylish decor to the open layout, was showcased to reflect the salon’s fresh new look. The result is a social-media content package that communicates both style and sophistication, perfectly aligning with the salon's brand and vision.

Our recent project involved capturing the renovation of the Hairclub Vienna's newly modernized hair salon. Through a combination of high-quality interior photos and immersive video, every detail, from the stylish decor to the open layout, was showcased to reflect the salon’s fresh new look. The result is a social-media content package that communicates both style and sophistication, perfectly aligning with the salon's brand and vision.